Olympic spiral

Screenshot from coverage of Rio Olympics opening ceremony
Screenshot from coverage of Rio Olympics opening ceremony

If you watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics, you would have noticed a segment discussing climate change, accompanied by graphics of CO2 emissions, Arctic sea ice melting, sea level rise and a somewhat familiar spiral representation of rising global temperatures (above), a version of which you may have seen somewhere before.

Needless to say, I was rather shocked while watching!

11 thoughts on “Olympic spiral

  1. Congratulations! It clearly made an impact.

    And to revive an old topic, I tried out the viridis colormap for an upcoming (minor) paper. I’m pleased with the results.

  2. Congratulations. That is impact, no need to write boring scientific articles any more. They will be insignificant compared to the Olympics.

    My favorite creativity book has a beautiful exercise/recommendation to come up with 5 variants before you chose. So we can plot temperature changes as
    1) a line graph,
    2) a spiral,
    3) percentage of the surface and year that is 1°C warmer than pre-industrial,
    4) a Hovmöller Diagram,
    5) …

    Help me out.

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